Missouri MGMA Seeks Nominations for Board

The Nominating Committee seeks individuals who are interested in serving on the MO MGMA Board of Directors. MO MGMA is governed by a 5 member board representing various areas from across the state. The association has the support of and works closely with our full-time Executive Director. Face to face meetings are held 4 times a year in addition to monthly teleconference meetings.

Nominees must be an Active member in good standing for at least one year and meet the Active member requirements as found in Article II, Section 2.1 of the Missouri MGMA bylaws. An active member is an individual who works with or for a medical practice in the State of Missouri or adjoining states. This member's principal role must be one of performing managerial duties for the medical practice or providing patient care while also performing significant managerial or administrative duties for the medical practice.

Nominations are due by March 31st.


To meet the needs of today’s leaders through education, networking, advocating, and providing tools that focus on the delivery of excellence in patient care.


To be the recognized leader in defining and supporting the profession of medical practice management in Missouri.


PO Box 381533
Birmingham, AL 35238
Phone: (205) 616-5938
Fax: (877) 720-1495

Copyright 2025, MGMA-MO.org | rebekahfrancis@att.net