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  • Webinar: Preparing Your Revenue Cycle for Tomorrow's Payment Revolution

Webinar: Preparing Your Revenue Cycle for Tomorrow's Payment Revolution

  • 04/11/2017
  • 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM
  • Webinar


Receiving payment in today's fee-for-service environment is challenging enough for most healthcare organizations, but tomorrow's value-based reimbursement models will prove to be even more complex—including the proposed MACRA reform. Value-based reimbursement has many different iterations, from shared risk to bundled payments and the task of monitoring the new level of claims’ complexity will fall on revenue cycle staff. Quality measurement, collaborative administrative and clinical processes and population health are just a few of the challenges.

To be successful, organizations must understand how effective their current revenue cycles are, understand the nuances of new payment models and make the necessary changes to their processes and technology. In this session, learn best practices for improving revenue cycle processes through developing a strategy for reviewing and reporting data and implementing technology to keep organizations financially healthy amongst new payment models.

•Analyze proposed MACRA payment reform and how it could affect revenue

•Compare today's standard revenue cycle processes and technology with what will be needed to prepare for tomorrow's payment models

•Leverage existing and emerging technology to help prepare your organization for current and upcoming payment models


Ken Bradley, Vice President, Strategic Planning and Regulatory Compliance, Navicure

This webinar is a benefit to members. If you are not a member and would like to register for a fee, please contact Rebekah Francis or Join MGMA-MO.


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