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Webinar: MACRA - Tactical Value-Based Considerations

  • 11/14/2017
  • 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM
  • Webinar

In April 2015, value-based payment transformation accelerated when Congress passed the Medicare Access and CHIP Reauthorization Act (MACRA) establishing two data-driven payment tracks: alternative payment models (APMs) and the merit-based incentive payment system (MIPS). Commercial payers are deploying such payment reform programs, as well. MACRA has been particularly prescriptive in its design of value-based payment (VBP). In June, providers received the proposed rule for the MACRA Quality Payment Program (QPP) 2018 performance year. This session will help operational staff and providers develop a tactical strategies based on cultural and technical infrastructure. Join us for foundational insight into the moving pieces of value-based payment and design industry wide for non-federal payers. 

Target Audience: Healthcare Professionals for Personal and Professional Development, Operations, Financial Mgmt., Organizational Governance, IT, Leadership, including Physicians and Non-Physician Providers 

As the director of provider innovation strategies, Adele Allison monitors healthcare reform for DST System’s health solutions division and is a legislative/regulatory subject matter expert. Having served as the co-chair of the HHS ONC Beacon-EHR Vendor Affinity Group and a current co-chair for HHS’ WEDI Payment Models Workgroup, Allison has over 25 years of healthcare experience and is an active participant with HHS’ HCPLAN. A published author, Allison is a member of UAB’s advisory board on curriculum development and serves on UAB’s HITECH Committee for health IT curriculum development; and, is a member of the board of directors for Alabama HIMSS.


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