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Webinar: Workplace Violence: What's Your Plan?

  • 07/12/2022
  • 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM
  • Webinar

Workplace Violence: What's Your Plan?


This webinar will focus on defining and/or identifying the various kinds of workplace violence that may happen from bullying to active shooter. We will talk about how to identify these issues and how they may surface. We also address how to mitigate an incident. Some are "simple" requiring immediate intervention while others require a complete plan and program. The plan is then communicated to staff as well as training sessions during onboarding and regular meetings, at least annually. The planning includes dealing with direct as well as indirect issues, e.g., someone who is involved as well as those who observe. As managers how will the de-escalation of the incident occur and what is the recovery process. We will also cover:
• Support services are available to medical practices
• Relationships the practice has with hospitals and other facilities
• Review insurance coverage


Owen J. Dahl, MBA, LFACHE, CHBC, LSSMBB, has been active in healthcare management for almost 40 years. He is a recognized national speaker on topics from lean management, revenue cycle management, scenario planning, practice operations, change management, disaster preparedness as seminar leader and key note speaker. Owen is a published author including Think Business - Medical Practice Quality, Efficiency, and Profits; The Medical Practice Disaster Guide Book; and co-author of Lean Six Sigma for the Medical Practice – Improving Profitability by Improving Processes. In addition he writes and contributes to articles in The Journal of Medical Practice Management®, MGMA Connexion, Medical Economics, Physicians Practice and several others.

MO MGMA webinars are approved for 1.0 CE credit hour of LIVE learning from MGMA state for those attending the live session. This webinar has been approved for 1.0 credit hour by the AAPC.

Webinars are a member benefit. To register, login and proceed to Webinar Registration under the Members tab.

MO MGMA offers FREE Webinar Series as a benefit of membership. Our webinars focus on the domains of the ACMPE Body of Knowledge. These webinars are free to ALL members. To register as a non-member for a fee, please contact Rebekah Francis or Join MO MGMA. Recordings of webinars are available online under the Members tab on our website.


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To be the recognized leader in defining and supporting the profession of medical practice management in Missouri.


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Birmingham, AL 35238
Phone: (205) 616-5938
Fax: (877) 720-1495

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