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MGMA Washington Connection 11/17/2022

11/17/2022 2:35 PM | Rebekah Francis (Administrator)

MGMA sends Congress year-end legislative recommendations

On Monday, MGMA sent a letter to congressional leadership urging them to address significant Medicare cuts and other important healthcare policies before the end of this year. The letter highlights current issues with Medicare reimbursement that projected payment cuts will exacerbate and asks Congress to act by:

  • Offsetting the 4.47% reduction to the Medicare physician conversion factor;
  • Waiving the 4% statutory Pay-As-You-Go sequester; and,
  • Extending the 5% alternative payment model (APM) incentive payment for six additional years.

Further, MGMA encouraged Congress to pass additional commonsense legislation to address significant administrative burdens impacting group practices and improve the timeliness of clinical care delivery. These recommendations included passing the Improving Seniors’ Timely Access to Care Act, extending telehealth waivers for at least two years after the conclusion of the public health emergency, passing the Saving Access to Laboratory Services Act, and appropriating additional funds to continue rewarding high performing clinicians within the Merit-based Incentive Payment System (MIPS).

Visit MGMA's
Contact Congress portal to send a letter to your legislators on these important issues!

MGMA submits feedback on AEOB requirements

On Tuesday, MGMA submitted feedback to the Department of Health and Human Services about the upcoming advanced explanation of benefits (AEOB) requirements stemming from the No Surprises Act. The AEOB policies would require group practices to send good faith estimates to health plans, thereby allowing the plans to generate AEOBs to send to patients. As a reminder, these requirements are not being enforced until rulemaking is completed. MGMA encouraged HHS to not enforce the AEOB requirements until there are workable solutions that are developed, tested, and implemented as well as to continue soliciting input and working with medical groups to implement these solutions.


Interested in learning more about the updates to Medicare physician payment and quality reporting that will be in effect come Jan. 1, 2023? Join MGMA Government Affairs on Dec. 13 at 1 p.m. ET for a for our member-exclusive 2023 Medicare Outlook webinar to gain insights about payment and policy changes outlined in the 2023 Medicare Physician Fee Schedule final rule. Additionally, we’ll provide details about MIPS reporting requirements, the MIPS Value Pathways implementation timeline, and APM participation and reporting options for 2023. The hour-long session will conclude with a discussion of MGMA’s advocacy initiatives and an interactive Q&A session with Government Affairs staff.

For more information, or to register, please click here.


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Copyright 2025, MGMA-MO.org | rebekahfrancis@att.net